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Monday, September 23, 2024

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Designing Success: How Nicole Lashae Ben is Transforming Brands Through Strategy and Storytelling


From pioneering A&D sales tools to empowering businesses with Tradeview 360, Nicole shares her journey and insights on building impactful design brands.

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Monday, September 23, 2024

Ignite Business Insider shares the stories of businesses that are making an impact in their local markets. We highlight their stories in order to inspire entrepreneurial growth and to let readers learn more about businesses across the world that are growing and scaling.


Nicole Lashae Ben

CEO + A&D Sales Strategist

Thrive In Design

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Thank you for taking the time to sit with us and share your story. Can you share a little bit about you and your company?

Thank you for having me! My name is Nicole Lashae Ben, and I’m the founder and CEO of Thrive In Design. Our company focuses on helping exceptional, design-focused brands tell their brand stories in a way that increases brand awareness, specifications, and revenue. We specialize in strategic market positioning, product launches, and podcast production for interior product brands. Over the years, we’ve expanded our services to support brands looking to effectively launch their products and connect with the right audiences at key industry events. Our core mission is to empower design brands through tailored strategies that drive success, whether it’s through marketing, partnerships, or content creation.

A question our readers love is, "How you got started". Can you share with us what you were doing before, and how you got started in the business you are in now?

I earned my BFA in Interior Design from Syracuse University and later pursued an MA in Design Management from SCAD. Before starting Thrive In Design, I spent about 10 years working in sales and business development for multi-million-dollar international interior product brands. Most of my career was based in New York City, where I gained invaluable experience in the design industry. A few years ago, I decided to return to my hometown of Baltimore, and that move inspired me to start Thrive In Design, where I could combine my passion for design and business to help brands grow and tell their stories effectively.

Let's take a little bit of a detour, and rewind the clock a little bit. What did you want to be as a kid? And how did that influence the person you are today?

As a kid, I wanted to be an interior designer. I loved watching HGTV and seeing the joy on people's faces during the home reveals at the end of every episode. That happiness and sense of transformation really resonated with me, and I knew I wanted to bring that same joy into people’s lives. Along with my passion for design, I was also very entrepreneurial from a young age, always dreaming of having my own business. These two passions shaped who I am today, leading me to create Thrive In Design where I combine my love for design and helping people with my entrepreneurial spirit.

Did you have a person, or brand, that was influential in your early formation of business, or career?

IDEO has been a huge inspiration for me. Design thinking is at the core of everything I do, both for my clients and in how I run my business. I always dreamed of working for IDEO, and while that didn’t happen, I’ve studied their business model and design thinking ideologies extensively. Their approach has deeply influenced how I structure projects, solve problems, and create strategies for my clients at Thrive In Design. The way IDEO combines creativity with practical solutions has had a lasting impact on my career and business philosophy.

Now, I have found that with successful people, there is always someone pivotal as either a mentor, parent, teacher, or someone that you look to for advise, that helped set you on this path. Could you share who that person was? And what impact that had on the person you are today?

That person has been my mom. From the moment I told her in middle school that I wanted to pursue a career in interior design, she supported me every step of the way. She enrolled me in one of Maryland's top high schools, The Park School, sent me to summer programs at Pratt Institute and the University of Delaware, and even drove me to National Portfolio Days and on road trips for college visits. She’s always been my biggest cheerleader, encouraging me through dreams that others didn’t believe in or want to support. Her unwavering belief in me has been pivotal in shaping the person I am today.

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What was one take away that you learned from that person? And how did it translate into your business today?

One of the biggest takeaways I learned from my mom is the importance of grit. As an entrepreneur herself, she showed me that persistence, hard work, and resilience are essential to building something from the ground up. That grit has been instrumental in my own business journey, especially when facing challenges or taking risks. It’s helped me stay focused on my long-term goals, remain adaptable, and push through obstacles, which has been key to the success of Thrive In Design.

When we work with businesses, we focus a lot on their "Why?". What is your "Why"? What is the driver behind your company, and why you and your team wake up each day and give it your all?

My "why" is deeply rooted in being a role model for both my family and other young Black women pursuing careers in the design industry. Growing up, I didn’t have many role models outside of my mom, so it's important for me to pave the way and show what's possible. I’m driven by a sense of calling to do the work that I do—helping brands tell their stories and thrive in the marketplace. Even though I don’t have decades of experience, I often feel like I’m receiving a "heavenly download" when working with clients, and that clarity allows me to give my all every day. It’s about being a guide and an example for others while making an impact through design.

Let's dive deeper into your products and services. You already gave an overview, but how do your products or services help your customers? And what makes them different from your competitors?

At Thrive In Design, our services are designed to help our clients elevate their brands and achieve lasting success. We offer strategic market positioning, product launch execution, and end-to-end podcast production, primarily for design-focused brands. Our approach is unique because we deeply understand the design industry and the challenges our clients face when trying to stand out in a competitive market.

What sets us apart from competitors is our personalized approach and our focus on storytelling. We don’t just create strategies; we craft compelling brand narratives that resonate with target audiences. We help brands align their messaging with the right events and marketing channels, ensuring that they stand out and build meaningful connections with their customers. We also offer podcast production services tailored specifically for interior product brands, allowing them to engage their audience in a fresh and impactful way.

Our services are different because we take the time to understand our clients’ unique challenges and aspirations, creating tailored strategies that align with their goals, while also ensuring long-term brand visibility and growth.

Let's unpack that even further. Let's pick one aspect of your business. What makes it so unique? And how does it change you or your customer's experience?

One of our newest and most exciting offerings is Tradeview 360. This service is designed to give brands a comprehensive, 360-degree view of how they can maximize their presence and impact at industry events like tradeshows. What makes it unique is that we don’t just help brands show up—we ensure they show up strategically and with a clear purpose.

In my experience attending tradeshows, I’ve seen so many brands exhibiting at the wrong events—like residential brands showcasing at hospitality shows and vice versa. These are often great founders who are incredibly passionate about their products, but they lack the industry insight to know which events will actually benefit their business. With Tradeview 360, instead of wasting thousands of dollars on the wrong show, we provide strategic insight to ensure that brands are positioned correctly, aligning with the right audience and maximizing their presence in the marketplace.

Tradeview 360 changes the customer experience by removing the guesswork, trial and error, and wasted resources on events that don’t bring results. Instead, it provides a clear roadmap that leads to more impactful connections and higher ROI. For me, it’s exciting to see how this approach not only transforms my clients' tradeshow experiences but also gives them the confidence to own their space in the market.

Let's dive into your customer's journey a little bit. Can you share with us, how do your customers discover you and your brand? What are their next steps? And what is the experience you would like to see your customers go on, when working with you and your brand?

Most brands learn about my business through my podcast, Thrive In Design. The podcast is a great way for potential clients to get familiar with our insights and expertise. After listening, they typically either schedule a discovery call or sign up for our monthly free webinar ( These are the first steps in their journey with us, where they can dive deeper into what we offer and how we can help their brand.

From there, I aim to provide a seamless and personalized experience. In the discovery call, we take the time to understand their specific challenges and goals. If they’re a good fit, we move forward with a customized strategy to support their brand growth, whether it’s through strategic market positioning, product launch execution, or podcast production. The goal is to ensure that each client feels supported and empowered to take their brand to the next level, with clear steps and expert guidance along the way.

Let's focus on your clients a bit. Can you share one of your favorite stories about a client?

One of my favorite client stories is about Dan Hannula at Decorator Industries. They’ve been in business for over 30 years, specializing in drapery for the hospitality industry. Despite their longevity, they were struggling with their storytelling and brand awareness in a modern market. Dan came to us needing a fresh approach to re-engage their audience and refine their message.

We’re currently working on a complete brand overhaul—from refreshing their branding and messaging to redesigning their tradeshow booth and developing new sales enablement tools. It’s been an incredible journey, helping them shift from being a well-established company with a rich history to becoming a brand that can effectively communicate its value in today’s competitive landscape. Watching the transformation has been rewarding, as they’re now better positioned to connect with their target audience and showcase their expertise in a powerful way.

Everyone likes an inside scoop. What detail or secret about either you, or your company, is something most people might not know?

One thing most people might not know is that I developed the first-ever daily planner specifically geared towards A&D (architecture and design) sales reps, called The Ultimate Guide to A&D Sales. It’s designed to help them manage their time more effectively, stay on top of client follow-ups, and track their goals in a way that fits the fast-paced nature of their work. The planner was born out of a real need I saw while working with sales reps, and it’s now available on Amazon, filling a unique gap in the market to support their success.

Let's get your insights. What are three tips, or words of advise you would give our readers?

Here are three tips I often share with my audience, especially during my webinars:

Know Your Audience – It’s crucial to deeply understand who your target audience is and where they spend their time. I often see brands attending the wrong industry events, wasting valuable time and resources. Focus your efforts on aligning with the right audiences and platforms to maximize your impact.

Invest in Storytelling – Your brand story is what sets you apart from your competitors. Whether through product launches, tradeshows, or podcasts, find a way to tell a compelling story that resonates with your audience. It’s not just about what you offer but how you connect with the emotions and needs of your customers.

Consistency is Key – Whether you’re posting content, engaging with clients, or attending events, consistency is what builds trust and recognition over time. Show up consistently in the right places, with a clear message, and watch your brand grow.

These insights are just the beginning of what I dive into during my webinars, where I give actionable strategies to help brands position themselves effectively in the market.

Well, this has been wonderful. How can people learn more about you or your company?

It's been a pleasure! To learn more about me and Thrive In Design, you can visit our website at or follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook at @thriveindesign. We regularly share insights, updates, and resources on all those platforms.

Thank you so much for sitting with us today.

Thanks so much for having me!

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